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Zero Carbon Park

Zero Carbon Park

Hong Kong’s first zero-carbon building was a joint endeavour instigated by the HKSAR Government and implemented by a number of industry experts. Our common goal was to prove to the construction industry and urban development stakeholders, as well as the wider public, that a carbon neutral building or a zero carbon footprint was possible. It set a precedent and educational example for the community to follow. We provided project consultancy, data integration, cleansing and analysis services and oversaw the daily operations, such as the installation of hardware and software systems that measure and reduce emissions while also generating renewable energy on-site — ensuring they met performance standards.


The Zero Carbon Park was the first-ever zero-carbon building in Hong Kong, and a joint initiative to prove that carbon neutrality in the local urban development industry was possible.j

Measure and reduce emissions

With computer-aided tools, we helped monitor, control, and optimise the generation and transmission performance of working and living environments in terms of electric utility, CO2 emissions, lighting, space cooling, equipment, and on-site renewable energy generation.

Project consultancy and education

Our involvement in this groundbreaking project helped train up market developers to follow the trend of adopting eco-technology to fulfill government criteria for sustainability, further spreading knowledge of sustainability for a broad range of audiences, from young to old.

IoT Dashboard

This project was the first generation of integration of a Building Management System with an IoT Dashboard to collect massive volumes of data for analysis and to calculate carbon footprint.


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